Congratulations to the winners of our IASOC Annual Prizes 2023

IASOC - The International Association for the Study of Organized Crime il . Associazioni, Brevi, Criminalità, Internazionale, Mafie

The International Association for the Study of Organized Crime is dedicated to advancing the study of organized crime and illegal enterprise.

We are a network of academics, professionals and students, whose focus lies in these fields.

We are run by the Secretariat of the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime in close partnership with our Steering Committee.

Huge congratulations to the winners and honourable mentions of our IASOC annual prizes 2023.

Best book (co-winners)

Uhm, D. van. Organized Environmental Crime: Black Markets in Gold, Wildlife, and Timber. (Bloomsbury, 2023).

Gandur, R. V. Trying to make it: the enterprises, gangs, and people of the American drug. (Cornell University Press, 2022).

Best dissertation

“Violence as Work: Living and Producing in Central America’s Gang Necroeconomics” by Dr. María José Méndez Gutiérrez (defended at the University of Minnesota in 2022).

See all the winners and honourable mentions of the IASOC annual prizes from 2011 until present here.


IASOC – The International Association for the Study of Organized Crime

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