#HoldTheLine for Maria Ressa

Reporters Sans Frontiers il . Giustizia, Informazione, Internazionale, Società

On 3 May 2021 – World Press Freedom Day – Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and the #HoldTheLine* coalition are launching a mass campaign action in support of Maria Ressa and the media outlet Rappler.

Hours of videos have been sent in by hundreds of supporters around the world – human rights defenders, journalists, artists, lawyers and politicians – to defend a key foundation of our societies: freedom of the press.

You can take part in this mass solidarity movement by uploading your own message in support of Maria, independent media in the Philippines, press freedom or democracy. Your video will be added to a continuous loop that will keep growing until the Philippine authorities drop all charges and cease pressure against Maria Ressa and Rappler.

Thank you for supporting Maria Ressa, independent media and democracy, and for being an important part of this chain of international solidarity.

You message can be just a few moments. Introduce yourself at the beginning, and end your recording with these three words: “Hold the line”.


Maximum 3 minutes (300M) in .mov or .mp4

You can also support Maria Ressa and Rappler by signing this petition calling for all charges against them to be dropped.



“We will resist all attacks on press freedom.They are trying to scare us, but don’t be afraid. Because if you don’t exercise your rights, you will lose them.” Maria Ressa

To support journalist Maria Ressa is to support her fight for democracy, and against disinformation. It is to support independent media in the Philippines, including Rappler, the media outlet she co-founded in 2012.

Named as one of the century’s most inspirational and important women by Time Magazine, Maria Ressa has become a top target for President Rodrigo Duterte’s administration, which has opened at least nine criminal cases against her. If convicted on all of these charges, she could be facing a lifetime in prison – but a clear demonstration of widespread international support could offer her vital protection.

The impunity for violence against journalists that characterises the Philippines is reaching new heights, especially for those who reporting on the pseudo-war on drugs being waged by the Duterte regime, which has resulted in mass extra-judicial killings.

A total of 16 journalists have been killed in the Philippines in connection with their work since Rodrigo Duterte was sworn in as president in 2016. The latest was beaten to death in May 2020.


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Premio Morrione Finanzia la realizzazione di progetti di video inchieste su temi di cronaca nazionale e internazionale. Si rivolge a giovani giornalisti, free lance, studenti e volontari dell’informazione.



logo Un nuovo progetto editoriale e un bimestrale di Libera e Gruppo Abele, LaViaLibera eredita l'esperienza del mensile Narcomafie, fondato nel 1993 dopo le stragi di Capaci e via D'Amelio.


Articolo 21

Articolo 21: giornalisti, giuristi, economisti che si propongono di promuovere il principio della libertà di manifestazione del pensiero (oggetto dell’Articolo 21 della Costituzione italiana da cui il nome).


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